Simplify Global Sales Tax Calculation with Python

Are you tired of the complexities involved in calculating global sales tax? Look no further. Let’s explore a Python code to simplify the sales tax calculation for international transactions.

The GlobalSalesTaxCalculator Class

The GlobalSalesTaxCalculator class provides a convenient way to calculate sales tax using the Global Tax API. It handles the authentication and makes the necessary API requests on your behalf.


To create an instance of the GlobalSalesTaxCalculator class, you need to provide your Global Tax API username and password:

calculator = GlobalSalesTaxCalculator(username, password)

Logging In

Before calculating sales tax, you must log in to the Global Tax API. The login() method handles this for you:

if calculator.login():
    # Proceed with sales tax calculation
    # Handle login failure

The login() method sends a POST request to the Global Tax API with your credentials. If the login is successful, it retrieves the API key and returns True. Otherwise, it prints an error message and returns False.

Calculating Sales Tax

After successfully authenticating, you can calculate sales tax using the calculate_sales_tax() method:

tax_data = {
    "vendor_country": "GBR",
    "customer_country": "BE",
    "service_type_code": "TOS25871",
    "item_amount": 250,
    "shipping_cost": 35,
tax_amount = calculator.calculate_sales_tax(tax_data)

The calculate_sales_tax() method takes a dictionary tax_data containing the necessary information for the sales tax calculation, such as the vendor and customer countries, service type code, item amount, and shipping cost.

The method sends a POST request to the Global Tax API with the provided tax_data and the previously obtained API key. If the request is successful, it returns the calculated tax amount. Otherwise, it prints an error message and returns None.

Putting It All Together

Let’s see how you can use the GlobalSalesTaxCalculator class in action:

def main() -> None:
    username = "enter_your_username"
    password = "enter_your_password"
    calculator = GlobalSalesTaxCalculator(username, password)
    if calculator.login():
        tax_data = {
            "vendor_country": "GBR",
            "customer_country": "BE",
            "service_type_code": "TOS25871",
            "item_amount": 250,
            "shipping_cost": 35,
        tax_amount = calculator.calculate_sales_tax(tax_data)
        if tax_amount is not None:
            print(f"Estimated Sales Tax: {tax_amount}")

In the main() function, we create an instance of the GlobalSalesTaxCalculator class, log in to the Global Tax API, and calculate the sales tax for a given set of tax_data. If the calculation is successful, we print the estimated sales tax amount. The full code is available here. Check out the Golang, TypeScript/JavaScript, C#/.NET, Java and PHP versions.


The GlobalSalesTaxCalculator class provides a straightforward way to calculate global sales tax using the Global Tax API. Encapsulating the authentication and API request logic simplifies the process and allows you to focus on your application’s core functionality.

Give it a try and streamline your global sales tax calculations today.